Cisco CCNA1 v7

Introduction to Networks


In Introduction to Networks, you will gain a basic understanding of the way networks operate. You will learn about network components and their functions, as well as how a network is structured, and the architectures used to create networks, including the internet.


  1. Networking today
  2. Basic switch and device configuration
  3. Protocol models
  4. Phisical layer
  5. Number systems
  6. Data link layer
  7. Ethernet switching
  8. Network layer
  9. Address Resolution
  10. Basic Router Configuration
  11. Adressage du résolving
  12. IPv6 Addressing
  13. ICMP
  14. Transport layer
  15. Application Layer
  16. Network Security Fundamentals
  17. Build a Small Network


Durée: 70 Heures
Prérequis: Pas de prérequis
Prochaine session: Contactez nous